Martinus Thomsen - A Scandinavian Mystic

A unique feature of Martinus Thomsen's way of explaining his spiritual teachings is the large number of symbols that he drew. Through these symbols he tried to visually convey the various spiritual principles of his teaching in a symbolic form. The following video contains a selection of his symbols accompanied with brief explanations:
As a mind the Universe would be a conscious being. To people who think, only the conscious beingness of the Universe could be God. Only that belief makes sense of the first verse of St John. Only that thesis reconciles science and spirituality. Only that idea brings together the mysticism of East and West and secures common ground between the Bible and quantum

As thoughts, particles of energy would exist not as acts of material substance but as acts of consciousness. The idea that conscious awareness brings everything into existence fits with the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum reality that things exist only to the extent that they are observed.

Many quantum theorists today believe that consciousness is the bedrock of reality; that particles of energy exist only because they are observed by an underlying universal conscious awareness.

Punjab, are you a scientist? If so, what kind? You seem to understand this stuff really well and it's pretty heady. Thanks!
Here is a video of talk by Martinus Thomsen from 1956. It's in Danish, but the video has English subtitles.
Paul Brunton (1898-1981) was an English writer who travelled extensively in India in search of spiritual wisdom. In 1952 he spent the summer in Denmark visiting Martinus. Since Martinus was virtually unknown outside of Scandinavia he wrote the this introduction to Martinus for the English speaking world.