The saga of @christianmom18



the saga of @christianmom18

One of the groups of people who have been really easy to bait and really plentiful are “internet atheists”. If you’ve spent much time adjacent to the atheist community, you’ve probably run into these– their identity revolves around their atheism; they generally hate religion of all stripes, and they roam the wilds of the web trying to pick fights with people. They tend to have a personal philosophy that revolves around the idea of skepticism, but aren’t very good at embracing its principles themselves– they tend to have “scientific” justifications for all of their personal biases and often express a good deal of transphobia, racism and misogyny.

What these people seem to like more than anything else is to fight their idea of “theists” without actually having to engage in ideas. They want a straw Christian to use as a punching bag. So I made them one.

Interesting to note the writer's bio:

"Queer nb writer, geek, feminist, artist."

Seems like the materialist/atheist evangelicals might be losing support even among those they claim to fight in the name of?
Had two interesting conversations:

One person in mid-30s who'd never heard of the New Atheist movement, but knew who Hitchens and Dawkins are.

The other was in their early 20s, leaned atheist, but had never heard of Dawkins.

Both grew up in America.
Had two interesting conversations:

One person in mid-30s who'd never heard of the New Atheist movement, but knew who Hitchens and Dawkins are.

The other was in their early 20s, leaned atheist, but had never heard of Dawkins.

Both grew up in America.
Real or online?
I never heard of Hitchens or Dawkins until I joined this site a few years ago. I just knew I was an atheist for a long time. I didn't need to read about it. I think they were mainly a British thing for a long time.
The internet is a weird place. The pub has a better quality of conversation. I recently came across a site that was so lifestyle atheist I wondered whether it was a spoof. The contributors traded clichés by way of conversation, it made Plato's Cave look like a greenhouse. They all sounded young and lacking in life skills, like a university atheism society competing for the prettiest skeptic girl. You could have played Flying Spaghetti Monster and Bronze Age Goatherder bingo, but it would have been a duck shoot. That's the problem with clubs, they bring out the inner Groucho. If it doubt it's all about sex or money, and these kids weren't getting enough of either.