Thomas Nagel's Review of Alvin Plantinga's Where the Conflict Really Lies

="Guy Incognito, post: 60262, member: 1075"]Well, first off, many philosophical theists believe (and have believed for millennia) that God's goodness is a logical certainty, not a question of empirical evidence. These thinkers define goodness as consisting in something's being complete/right/whole (as with an ideally good body, which has all of its appendages intact, all of its features well-formed, all of its systems in working order, etc.), while evil and degeneracy are seen as consisting in a lack of some good (as with a body which has a missing or crippled limb, a disfigurement, etc.)-- wrongness as a privation of some ideal rightness. Since God is understood to be the logically-necessary and self-sufficient ground of all being, underlying and preceding all other things, it follows that he lacks nothing, has no privations-- privation being inherently a trait of something which is secondary and contingent, rather than primary and supreme.

I concur, to some degree at least . God is , by definition , good , since God is also, by definition, perfect...
Evil is thus a degenerate state , a lack of something, an imperfection............
On the other hand , if one wanst really to approach the truth about God , His goodness, beauty , love, has got to try to let go of the false and illusory mind /ego and hence try to reach the beyond -though experiential level of consciousness , simply because reason , logic ...are powerless in relation to all that .
Reason, logic ...are even powerless when it comes to human love , let alone in relation to THE source of Love.

If one has disagreement with or doubt about the attempted logical proofs for God's goodness, then he/she (obviously) cannot be "sure" in the logical sense that God is good, but many are still certain of such a thing on experiential grounds, as with the multitude of near-death/mystical experiencers who report encountering God/"the Light" and knowing in their innermost being that he was ultimately and purely good and loving, and non-experiencers can look to things like this as individual and cumulative testimonial evidence-- someone might be able to scrounge up an account from somewhere of someone who had a Near-Death Experience of God as evil, but the "God/'the-Light'-as-pure-goodness" account is overwhelmingly pervasive across thousands of accounts spanning different cultures and religious backgrounds of all sorts.

We can't rely much on the so-called NDE on the subject of God's inherent goodness ...., since many forms of ancient wisdom did deliver different accounts of the real process of death.
On the other hand , when one would try to get in touch with the divine within by trying to know the self through letting go of the false illusory ego , one would experience that divine goodness within via higher levels of consciousness that correspond to higher levels of reality .
Some Sufis and other mystics , for example, have even claimed to have experienced the ultimate nature of reality = God, as the highest and true level of reality with all its beauty , truth , knowledge , wisdom,love, goodness, peace , transcendence ...

Reminds me of the famous Sufi mystic Al Hallaj who said once : " I am the Truth" ,and since the Truth is an attribute of God , that was equal to claiming " I am God " .
He was so misunderstood that he was tortured to death and crucified as a result, unfortunately enough .
He just meant that he was so close to God that he became one with Him , that's why he said : " I am the Truth." ,since none does really exist or has an independent existence but God,and when one would be so enlightened as to experience the unity with the One , one becomes one with the One.Long story thus.

Finally, in the case of one who disbelieves/doubts both the logical and the evidential arguments, a good argument can be made for simply choosing, in the absence of proof either way, to trust that an ultimately good being exists and is finally sovereign, as this provides an ideal to strive toward, a solace in grief, etc.. The spiritually-observant are on the whole healthier, better-adjusted, longer-lived, and more charitable than the general population

I smell some degree of pragmatism here , in the sense that what works is true.
I reject the philosophical, moral ethical , and most of other forms of pragmatism or ultilitarianism ,especially the spiritual ones , simply because they turned the truth into an instrument , a utility, a means to an end , instead of a goal in itself to reach.

Once again , to know God or His attributes such as goodness ...cannot be achieved at the level of the false illusory mind / ego .

There are a great many cases in life in which we are presented with indeterminate evidence, but must operate as though something or its alternative is true, and for a mind not mired in scientism, choosing on non-evidential grounds may be perfectly defensible. For example, if I am engaged in a sporting contest, I am liable to choose to trust and operate as though I can and will win whether or not I have objective evidence to that effect, or even if the evidence tends against it, and I daresay I am justified in doing so, as it stands to maximize any existing chance of my winning, while entering with the conviction and operative presupposition that I cannot/will not win is prone to shrink or eliminate whatever chance may have hitherto existed. It is psychologically, spiritually, and even physiologically nourishing and beneficial to trust that ultimate goodness exists and is supreme.

Placebo, in a nutshell.
You have just reduced the supreme goodness of God to just that .
Instead of just using this reverse psychology , placebo effect or utilitarianist pragmatic spirituality , it's better to try to go beyond the false illusory ego / mind to reach the beyond -thought level of consciousness/awareness : a whole universe would open up to / for you as a result , you have no idea,and then you would be confirmed in the obvious existence of the ultimate goodness that's supreme indeed..
Given that we're so ignorant and so limited, and given all the pain and suffering around us, how can we be sure that God is kind, loving, compassionate and just, and that he cares about us and has a plan for our lives?

Look within to know that : try to get in touch with the divine within by letting go of the false illusory ego/mind.Good luck to you on that.Cheers.
Thanks for this wonderful reply.

To me, the idea that evil is just the privation of goodness doesn't seem to do justice to the horrors we see around us in the world. The metaphor sometimes given is that goodness is the cheese and evil is the holes in the cheese. I'm sorry but I can't take this very seriously.

Yes, people have experiences of overwhelming love, but that doesn't mean that the source of those experiences is anything like the omni God of traditional theism. It could be a trickster God, a sadistic God that's just giving us something good before taking it away, a God with a weird sense of humor, a loving God that isn't all-powerful, an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence that's screwing around with us, or any number of other things.

As long as the problem of evil remains unresolved, I think we should be agnostic about the nature of God and suspicious of people who claim to know that the omni God exists.

And even if we can somehow deal with the problem of evil, we still have that old problem of why the omni God would want to create anything in the first place. I remember C.S. Lewis in one of his books admitting that this is the hardest problem of all for theists.

God is the only logical hypothesis regarding the origin of the universe.It follows from that that God is perfect and good thus, by definition, to say the least.
Reason, logic ...are powerless when it comes to God and His attributes such as goodness, love ...

Let go of your false and illusory ego/mind : try to approach the beyond-thought level of consciousness/awareness as a result thus , once again .

As for your last sentence above , the following :

" I was a hidden treasure, and i desired to be known,so i created the creation in order that i might be known...." From Rumi's Diwan.

The motive behind creation was/is , not selfishness, that is.

God is closer to you than your jugular vein : all you have to do is to try to get in touch with Him within where He resides,since you can't do that without where HE also is , beyond space and time..
@Dominic Bunnell :

Be Lost in the Call :

By Mawlawi Rumi :

Lord, said David, since you do not need us,

why did you create these two worlds?

Reality replied: O prisoner of time,

I was a secret treasure of kindness and generosity,

and I wished this treasure to be known,

so I created a mirror: its shining face, the heart;

its darkened back, the world;

The back would please you if you've never seen the face.

Has anyone ever produced a mirror out of mud and straw?

Yet clean away the mud and straw,

and a mirror might be revealed.

Until the juice ferments a while in the cask,

it isn't wine. If you wish your heart to be bright,

you must do a little work.

My King addressed the soul of my flesh:

You return just as you left.

Where are the traces of my gifts?

We know that alchemy transforms copper into gold.

This Sun doesn't want a crown or robe from God's grace.

He is a hat to a hundred bald men,

a covering for ten who were naked.

Jesus sat humbly on the back of an ass, my child!

How could a zephyr ride an ass?

Spirit, find your way, in seeking lowness like a stream.

Reason, tread the path of selflessness into eternity.

Remember God so much that you are forgotten.

Let the caller and the called disappear;

be lost in the Call.

Read more about Be Lost in the Call by Mawlawi Rumi Analysis & Poem by
Be With Those Who Help Your Being

Be with those who help your being.
Don't sit with indifferent people, whose breath
comes cold out of their mouths.
Not these visible forms, your work is deeper.

A chunk of dirt thrown in the air breaks to pieces.
If you don't try to fly,
and so break yourself apart,
you will be broken open by death,
when it's too late for all you could become.

Leaves get yellow. The tree puts out fresh roots
and makes them green.
Why are you so content with a love that turns you yellow?.

And even if we can somehow deal with the problem of evil, we still have that old problem of why the omni God would want to create anything in the first place. I remember C.S. Lewis in one of his books admitting that this is the hardest problem of all for theists.
Years ago I purchased this philosophy of religion book that I never wound up reading but was attracted by the title. It might be worth a look for those interested in a "fresh" perspective (?) on the problem of evil within a Christian framework.

Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God, by Marilyn McCord Adams

Here's the NY Times review.
Years ago I purchased this philosophy of religion book that I never wound up reading but was attracted by the title. It might be worth a look for those interested in a "fresh" perspective (?) on the problem of evil within a Christian framework.

Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God, by Marilyn McCord Adams

Here's the NY Times review.

Yeah, I've heard good things about this book, but I haven't read it myself.

There's an interesting interview with Adams here on Philosophy Bites: Adams
Did I say it was?

No , you didn't.Chill.That was just a remainder, because the Eurocentric "enlightenment" has been taking christianity for granted as the measure of all religions,and by rejecting christianity it rejected all other religions as well ,which means that what goes for christianty goes for all religions : a lethal thought error or attitude.
No , you didn't.Chill.That was just a remainder, because the Eurocentric "enlightenment" has been taking christianity for granted as the measure of all religions,and by rejecting christianity it rejected all other religions as well ,which means that what goes for christianty goes for all religions : a lethal thought error or attitude.

But the problem of evil is only a problem for people who believe that God is all-loving and all-powerful. Since probably most of the people who believe this are Christians, Muslims and Jews, it's reasonable to focus on these traditions.

If somebody believes in a mysterious, ineffable God that's beyond good and evil and beyond all our human categories then I have no issue with that person.

Again, if someone believes in Whitehead's God, whose power is only persuasive and not coercive, then I have no issue with that person.

It's a problem for traditional theism only.
="Dominic Bunnell, post: 60731, member: 840"]But the problem of evil is only a problem for people who believe that God is all-loving and all-powerful. Since probably most of the people who believe this are Christians, Muslims and Jews, it's reasonable to focus on these traditions.

Why is that ? So, non-believers in the (non) traditional sense have no problem with evil, according to you ? Why?
I think that the issue of evil and suffering are real issues to any given human being.

If somebody believes in a mysterious, ineffable God that's beyond good and evil and beyond all our human categories then I have no issue with that person.

Everybody is free to believe in whatever he/she would like to believe in, regardless of your opinion on the subject.

But then again :

There is a field beyond good and evil, i 'll meet you there,as Rumi used to say.

Again, if someone believes in Whitehead's God, whose power is only persuasive and not coercive, then I have no issue with that person.

People should ask your permission first , i see , regarding what to believe in .

It's a problem for traditional theism only.

Not , it's not . Why is that ? , according to you.Cheers.


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Why is that ? So, non-believers in the (non) traditional sense have no problem with evil, according to you ? Why?
I think that the issue of evil and suffering are real issues to any given human being.

Everybody is free to believe in whatever he/she would like to believe in, regardless of your opinion on the subject.

But then again :

There is a field beyond good and evil, i 'll meet you there,as Rumi used to say.

People should ask your permission first , i see , regarding what to believe in .

Not , it's not . Why is that ? , according to you.Cheers.

Traditional theists make the extraordinary claim that this world was created by an all-loving, all-powerful being, and so they have an awful lot of explaining to do.

Pagans, atheists, Taoists, Buddhists and others don't make this kind of claim, and so the existence of so much evil in the world is not so puzzling for them. It's just the way the world is.

Of course we all struggle with evil and suffering in our own lives, regardless of our belief system, but only traditional theists have THE problem of evil, i.e. why the hell would an all-loving, all-powerful God allow all of this evil to exist.

I think what you might be getting at is that more and more people are coming to believe in an all-loving, all-powerful God through direct experience, for example through NDEs, psychedelic drugs and mystical experiences, rather than through scripture and tradition.

Perhaps such people have something new to add to the debate about evil and suffering. Perhaps they won't keep bringing up the same old desperate explanations like the free-will defence, the soul-making theodicy, the 'God is mysterious' line, and so on.

My own view is that there will never be a solution to the problem of evil and that the God of traditional theism almost certainly does not exist.
="Dominic Bunnell, post: 60821, member: 840"]Traditional theists make the extraordinary claim that this world was created by an all-loving, all-powerful being, and so they have an awful lot of explaining to do.

Why is that such an extraordinary claim ?.
That God is all -loving, all -powerful does not exclude His other attributes such as the truth, justice,mercy, accountability, judgement, beauty, perfection....

Let's consider this 'analogy" :

Your parents can love you dearly , but can and should also be tough with you whenever necessary : there is no contradiction in that .Their love or tough love for you does not mean that they should let you do whatever you want.

That's no accurate "analogy" (we are not kids , in the eyes of God , so to speak , otherwise , we wouldn't be "worthy" of the burden of responsibility) , but i have just used it to make you see the fact that God is all -loving and all -powerful does not mean that God should erase all pain and suffering from this planet.

"God made us to His own image " , so we should try to live up to that , by trying to approach "perfection, truth", beauty , justice, goodness...through pain and suffering , through pleasure , sadness, joy, ups and downs, through creativity, hard work accepting our imperfection as such and by trying to go beyond it .

We are spiritual beings who have to live in the human state and surpass it.

We can't do the above if we let our false and illusory ego/mind be our "god".The ego thinks and wants to be a 'god" anyway, a false and an illusory one.

Say, you were responsible for a business to run , for example, you have to be held accountable for that , either way.

God created man for a purpose , i guess,so all individual and collective human actions do have an impact on the rest of humanity as well as on the rest of the universe,since the whole universe , including ourselves , is interconnected,which means that man must be held accountable for his/her actions in this world,simple.

Man was foolish enough as to accept that responsibility or burden and hence has to face the consequences accordingly.

The bottom line is , once again , to the point of boring you , is as follows:

That was just your illusory false ego/mind speaking of which you have to let go ,if you wanna know your self and therefore God.

Pagans, atheists, Taoists, Buddhists and others don't make this kind of claim, and so the existence of so much evil in the world is not so puzzling for them. It's just the way the world is.

Prior note :
Those above mentioned forms of ancient wisdom ( except atheism thus that's a lower or a degenerate form of religion,a secular one, as Nitezsche said regarding humanism , in the sense that the latter is just a degenerate form of christianity.Atheism does not even exist as such in fact : each one of us does 'worship " one form or another of "deity or god ", be it power , ego, lust , money ...) do also say that one has to try to let go of the falser and illusory ego/mind to attain enlightenment.
Don't be shopping selectively thus.

Having said that :

When they claim what you described above, does that make them right ?
Don't forget that all ancient forms of wisdom had influenced each other, like all cultures did/do to each other, and that they have almost the same essence, deep down, despite their apparent and real differences.

Not to mention that even religion itself does 'evolve", in accordance with man's knowledge , with the degree of development or "progress" of man , with the experience of man ....with the spiritual growth of man...

Even religion itself thus is not a static entity , it is a dynamic process , otherwise it cannot claim to be timeless and universal.

That does not mean that religion changes in order to adapt to man's new situations , it just means that man is able to approach what religion says , in accordance with man's above mentioned stages of development : the more man is knowledgeable, the more man passes through experiences ....the more is man able to approach the "truth" or remain blinded by his/her own ego that prevents him/her from 'seeing the truth".

Real blindness is not that of the eye or brain , it is that of the heart thus.The latter as not the biological organ or emotions...but the heart as the highest form of "intellect ", as the highest form of human intelligence or intuition: trained experienced enlightened informed intuition, that is , not the ordinary intuition which is not really reliable.

Of course we all struggle with evil and suffering in our own lives, regardless of our belief system, but only traditional theists have THE problem of evil, i.e. why the hell would an all-loving, all-powerful God allow all of this evil to exist.

Why would God not allow all this evil to exist then, momentarily , that is ? God is all -powerful, remember.

There is also what can be called tough love where the Beloved has to make the lover go through some sort of ordeals , ups and downs, joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure attain higher levels of being or enlightenment through those kind of experiences.

When you try to have a "perfect " body , for example, you have to work out , experience pain as well as gratification as a result....

You can't say , why do i have to go through all that pain , hard work , suffering have a "perfect" or fit physique, can you ?.

Let alone that you can say : why is there so much pain and suffering on the road to a "perfect body " ?, can you ?

Well, your spirit has also to be "perfected" through pain and suffering , ups and downs, joy and sadness , pleasure.....through enlightenment...

I think what you might be getting at is that more and more people are coming to believe in an all-loving, all-powerful God through direct experience, for example through NDEs, psychedelic drugs and mystical experiences, rather than through scripture and tradition.

What makes those experiences more reliable than scripture or tradition then ?
Mystical and other similar experiences ,as mentioned above, can easily be just illusions or wishful thinking sometimes, that's 1 of the reasons why mysticism, NDE , psychedelic drugs and drug-induced mystical experiences are not fully reliable .

What makes the old mystical experiences of prophets, "saints" , "high priests " such as those of Paulus, for example, less reliable than your above mentioned mystical experiences then ?

Perhaps such people have something new to add to the debate about evil and suffering. Perhaps they won't keep bringing up the same old desperate explanations like the free-will defence, the soul-making theodicy, the 'God is mysterious' line, and so on.

Let's hope so then .Any human insights on the subject are welcome of course.
What makes the mystical experiences of the above mentioned people more reliable than the old ones of "priests", 'saints" ....prophets ...?
Just remember that man is not the measure of all things and that some forms of alleged mystical experiences , enlightenment,NDE ....can turn out to be just wishful thinking, delusions, illusions or self-deceit.

Beware of the self-deceit intrinsic capacity of the human mind thus.

We're not "gods" ,we're not "perfect , all-knowing , all-powerful ...", that's why we do need a divine guide in the form of the divine within that can be approached only through letting go of the false and illusory ego ,as the first step to the real enlightenment , whatever the latter might be indeed.

Prophets and other real 'saints" were closer to the divine within than the rest , so there is no harm to learn from them on the subject.

But to claim that one can attain enlightenment all by oneself without any kind of "outside help" is yet another form of self-deceit.

The following quote from "The Prophet" book by the US-Lebanese philosopher and poet Gibran Khalil Gibran says it all :

"...And i say that as the holy and the righteous cannot rise beyond the highest which is in each one of you ,
So ,the wicked and the weak cannot fall below the lowest which is in you also ..."

My own view is that there will never be a solution to the problem of evil and that the God of traditional theism almost certainly does not exist.

You do sound like Dawkiins here .I thought you could do much better than that dogmatic bigot. All forms of scientism are just dogmatic beliefs or ideologies, so , no science. Cheers.
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Why is that such an extraordinary claim ?.
That God is all -loving, all -powerful does not exclude His other attributes such as the truth, justice,mercy, accountability, judgement, beauty, perfection....

Let's consider this 'analogy" :

Your parents can love you dearly , but can and should also be tough with you whenever necessary : there is no contradiction in that .Their love or tough love for you does not mean that they should let you do whatever you want.

That's no accurate "analogy" (we are not kids , in the eyes of God , so to speak , otherwise , we wouldn't be "worthy" of the burden of responsibility) , but i have just used it to make you see the fact that God is all -loving and all -powerful does not mean that God should erase all pain and suffering from this planet.

"God made us to His own image " , so we should try to live up to that , by trying to approach "perfection, truth", beauty , justice, goodness...through pain and suffering , through pleasure , sadness, joy, ups and downs, through creativity, hard work accepting our imperfection as such and by trying to go beyond it .

We are spiritual beings who have to live in the human state and surpass it.

We can't do the above if we let our false and illusory ego/mind be our "god".The ego thinks and wants to be a 'god" anyway, a false and an illusory one.

Say, you were responsible for a business to run , for example, you have to be held accountable for that , either way.

God created man for a purpose , i guess,so all individual and collective human actions do have an impact on the rest of humanity as well as on the rest of the universe,since the whole universe , including ourselves , is interconnected,which means that man must be held accountable for his/her actions in this world,simple.

Man was foolish enough as to accept that responsibility or burden and hence has to face the consequences accordingly.

The bottom line is , once again , to the point of boring you , is as follows:

That was just your illusory false ego/mind speaking of which you have to let go ,if you wanna know your self and therefore God.

Prior note :
Those above mentioned forms of ancient wisdom ( except atheism thus that's a lower or a degenerate form of religion,a secular one, as Nitezsche said regarding humanism , in the sense that the latter is just a degenerate form of christianity.Atheism does not even exist as such in fact : each one of us does 'worship " one form or another of "deity or god ", be it power , ego, lust , money ...) do also say that one has to try to let go of the falser and illusory ego/mind to attain enlightenment.
Don't be shopping selectively thus.

Having said that :

When they claim what you described above, does that make them right ?
Don't forget that all ancient forms of wisdom had influenced each other, like all cultures did/do to each other, and that they have almost the same essence, deep down, despite their apparent and real differences.

Not to mention that even religion itself does 'evolve", in accordance with man's knowledge , with the degree of development or "progress" of man , with the experience of man ....with the spiritual growth of man...

Even religion itself thus is not a static entity , it is a dynamic process , otherwise it cannot claim to be timeless and universal.

That does not mean that religion changes in order to adapt to man's new situations , it just means that man is able to approach what religion says , in accordance with man's above mentioned stages of development : the more man is knowledgeable, the more man passes through experiences ....the more is man able to approach the "truth" or remain blinded by his/her own ego that prevents him/her from 'seeing the truth".

Real blindness is not that of the eye or brain , it is that of the heart thus.The latter as not the biological organ or emotions...but the heart as the highest form of "intellect ", as the highest form of human intelligence or intuition: trained experienced enlightened informed intuition, that is , not the ordinary intuition which is not really reliable.

Why would God not allow all this evil to exist then, momentarily , that is ? God is all -powerful, remember.

There is also what can be called tough love where the Beloved has to make the lover go through some sort of ordeals , ups and downs, joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure attain higher levels of being or enlightenment through those kind of experiences.

When you try to have a "perfect " body , for example, you have to work out , experience pain as well as gratification as a result....

You can't say , why do i have to go through all that pain , hard work , suffering have a "perfect" or fit physique, can you ?.

Let alone that you can say : why is there so much pain and suffering on the road to a "perfect body " ?, can you ?

Well, your spirit has also to be "perfected" through pain and suffering , ups and downs, joy and sadness , pleasure.....through enlightenment...

What makes those experiences more reliable than scripture or tradition then ?
Mystical and other similar experiences ,as mentioned above, can easily be just illusions or wishful thinking sometimes, that's 1 of the reasons why mysticism, NDE , psychedelic drugs and drug-induced mystical experiences are not fully reliable .

What makes the old mystical experiences of prophets, "saints" , "high priests " such as those of Paulus, for example, less reliable than your above mentioned mystical experiences then ?

Let's hope so then .Any human insights on the subject are welcome of course.
What makes the mystical experiences of the above mentioned people more reliable than the old ones of "priests", 'saints" ....prophets ...?
Just remember that man is not the measure of all things and that some forms of alleged mystical experiences , enlightenment,NDE ....can turn out to be just wishful thinking, delusions, illusions or self-deceit.

Beware of the self-deceit intrinsic capacity of the human mind thus.

We're not "gods" ,we're not "perfect , all-knowing , all-powerful ...", that's why we do need a divine guide in the form of the divine within that can be approached only through letting go of the false and illusory ego ,as the first step to the real enlightenment , whatever the latter might be indeed.

Prophets and other real 'saints" were closer to the divine within than the rest , so there is no harm to learn from them on the subject.

But to claim that one can attain enlightenment all by oneself without any kind of "outside help" is yet another form of self-deceit.

The following quote from "The Prophet" book by the US-Lebanese philosopher and poet Gibran Khalil Gibran says it all :

"...And i say that as the holy and the righteous cannot rise beyond the highest which is in each one of you ,
So ,the wicked and the weak cannot fall below the lowest which is in you also ..."

You do sound like Dawkiins here .I thought you could do much better than that dogmatic bigot. All forms of scientism are just dogmatic beliefs or ideologies, so , no science. Cheers.

I don't think I sound like Dawkins. Dawkins hardly ever talks about the problem of evil, which is not surprising since it's a philosophical/theological problem and he thinks both philosophy and theology are a waste of time.

I agree with Stephen Law that we can know beyond reasonable doubt that there is no perfectly good God or completely evil God in control of the world.
That's really all I'm saying. You have different intuitions here, and that's fair enough.

You give several examples about how pain and suffering can help us grow and become better and happier people in the end. This is all fine, but I feel you're not dealing with the really hard examples. We need to get real here and take evil very seriously. Children are starving to death, being tortured, raped and killed, and so on. The idea that God is going to stand by and allow some child to get cancer, or to be brutally raped and killed, so that her family and friends can become more virtuous strikes me as both preposterous and offensive.

If we take evil seriously, if we really look at the sadism, cruelty and injustice in the world, all of the attempted solutions to the problem of evil start to look ridiculous. Theists like Plantinga and Adams admit this, and so they have no choice but to say it's a mystery.

You ask, why is it such an extraordinary claim to say that an all-powerful, all loving God made this world? If you can't see that then I really don't know how to explain it to you.

I agree with you that neither scripture and tradition nor mystical experiences give us any good reason for believing in an all-powerful, all-loving God, though they may give us good reasons for rejecting materialism/naturalism. So why do you believe in such a God? We can't get there by experience, logic or scripture, so why not just be agnostic on the nature of God.

I think the reason many theists can't give up on this concept of God is not just that it makes them feel happier and more optimistic about life. I think it's also that this God concept allows them to worship and express gratitude. If God isn't all-loving and all-powerful, then what do we do with that? How do we live our lives in the light of that fact?
="Dominic Bunnell, post: 60949, member: 840"]I don't think I sound like Dawkins. Dawkins hardly ever talks about the problem of evil, which is not surprising since it's a philosophical/theological problem and he thinks both philosophy and theology are a waste of time.

Then, you probably haven't read his books ( even though , he's just a biologist , he does go beyond biology to the field of philosophy , theology ,spirituality ...see his "The God delusion " book, for example, and like all materialists he assumes that psychology is just applied biology, biology just applied chemistry and chemistry is just applied physics ... ) , i see, such as "The Selfish Gene" where he claims that there is no good and no evil as such ,no God,no justice ... that altruism ( he tried via many examples of apparent altruism in animals and in humans to show that apparent altruistic behavior was just selfishness in disguise.) has never existed neither in nature in general nor in the history of man and that we should develop it in the next generations ...blablabla...

How then ? if we are just determined machines or robots that are driven by the 'almighty " genes through the mysterious natural selection of evolution that does 'work in mysterious ways "... ,as Dawkins assumes man and the rest of all living organisms to be= just determined machines or robots...

But then again, Dawkins , Dennett and other similar dogmatic bigots would try to "prove " to you that free will is compatible with determinism . lol , while they are mutually exclusive , via some materialist ,magical intellectual gymnastics .

Dawkins talked also about a school bus full of christian kids that crashed killing them all in the process...That was "reason " enough for him to claim that there can be no God that can allow such tragedies to happen : childish reasoning...

Not to mention his "River out of Eden " where he talked about the example of a certain insect maybe, the name of which i don't recall right now , that gets eaten alive by a certain predator (That story was 1 of the reasons why Darwin became an atheist by the way ) ....and then he says , How can any God allow such thing to happen ...

Furthermore , as Dennett used to say, and rightly so : " There is no such thing as philosophy -free science ..." .
Philosophy such as naturalism and its materialist version + epistemology have been underlying science, so science does need philosophy now more than ever before .
See the work of the greatest philosopher of science Karl Popper to find out about whether or not philosophy is a waste of time then.

To claim that philosophy is a waste of time is an inaccurate thing to say thus (Stephen Hawking said, for example, that philosophy is dead ) , but Dawkins does use philosophy and logic all the time, in his books, in his debates , lectures , and other documentaries ...even though he's not really qualified to talk about either philosophy , spirituality or theology ...

Better still : all materialists such as Dawkins cannot but assume that everything , including theology , psychology , spirituality , philosophy, politics , economy , society, cultures, art ...can be "explained " just by biology that's just applied chemistry .The latter that's just applied physics= everything can be explained by just physics ,that's why savant-idiots such as Stephen Hawking try to come up with a physical "theory of everything" , for example, while any potential unified "theory of everything" cannot be just physical= goes beyond physics, since consciousness is irreducible to matter...

See Robert Lanza's "Biocentrism " book on the subject :

I agree with Stephen Law that we can know beyond reasonable doubt that there is no perfectly good God or completely evil God in control of the world

How can he make such a silly claim then ? Irrelevant thus.

That's really all I'm saying. You have different intuitions here, and that's fair enough.

You're totally wrong about that.
God is the only logical answer regarding the origin of the universe and God is , by definition, good , all-knowing, all-powerful, merciful, just , loving, .........

Divine Love was behind the creation of this universe , i must add too.

You give several examples about how pain and suffering can help us grow and become better and happier people in the end. This is all fine, but I feel you're not dealing with the really hard examples. We need to get real here and take evil very seriously. Children are starving to death, being tortured, raped and killed, and so on. The idea that God is going to stand by and allow some child to get cancer, or to be brutally raped and killed, so that her family and friends can become more virtuous strikes me as both preposterous and offensive.

I was just talking about the ordinary pain and suffering that are part of life , not about evil as such .
The issue of evil is indeed a hard problem and we have already talked about that , earlier on.

If we take evil seriously, if we really look at the sadism, cruelty and injustice in the world, all of the attempted solutions to the problem of evil start to look ridiculous. Theists like Plantinga and Adams admit this, and so they have no choice but to say it's a mystery

It is a mystery , yes, but to exploit , or to misuse it to claim it as an argument , so to speak, against God .
's ultimate and supreme goodness is no less than an argument from ignorance, to say the least.

Theism is a bit like science ,a different kind of science , you have to experience it : it is a dynamic , endless and restless journey that does also require as much knowledge as possible, experience, work....

You ask, why is it such an extraordinary claim to say that an all-powerful, all loving God made this world? If you can't see that then I really don't know how to explain it to you.

You probably do see what i do not , and vice versa then.
I see no conflict or rather contradiction between the intrinsic goodness , love, power ...of God and between the momentary existence of evil on this planet.

You see it differently , it's your own opinion.

I agree with you that neither scripture and tradition nor mystical experiences give us any good reason for believing in an all-powerful, all-loving God, though they may give us good reasons for rejecting materialism/naturalism. So why do you believe in such a God? We can't get there by experience, logic or scripture, so why not just be agnostic on the nature of God.

(You have to try to read William James' "The variety of religious experiences" , for example .)

Agnosticism is a kind of nihillism , deep down .It makes no sense .You can't wait your whole life to get the necessary data you're looking for .Otherwise , one would not do a thing or move from A to B without certainty that does not exist in this world anyway.
Agnosticism is intellectual , psychological and spiritual laziness , indecision , to say the least.

But then again, each one of us has to go through his /her own journey in life .Good luck to you regarding yours.

I think the reason many theists can't give up on this concept of God is not just that it makes them feel happier and more optimistic about life. I think it's also that this God concept allows them to worship and express gratitude. If God isn't all-loving and all-powerful, then what do we do with that? How do we live our lives in the light of that fact?.

One should believe in and worship God unconditionally through unconditional love , not for some ultilitarianist or pragmatic reasons.

Or as a famous woman mystic used to say in her poetry :

Oh, God , if i do happen to worship you out of fear of your hellfire,
Then burn me with it,
And if i do happen to worship you out of greed regarding your heaven,
Then don't allow me in it ...

Heaven and hell are also within by the way, and we shouldn't take the notions of hell and heaven literally, i guess, i don't know.
"The kingdom of heaven " is also within.
"Final word" :

No one can pretend to be able to solve the mystery of evil, God, the after-life, consciousness
We have been just exchanging thoughts on the subject through our mutual belief systems,so, via our limited knowledge...experiences...
Nobody can pretend to be able to have the last or final word on the subject thus ,not even remotely close .
Each one of us has to try to go through life's dynamic ,restless, growing , learning ...journey.
Then, you probably haven't read his books ( even though , he's just a biologist , he does go beyond biology to the field of philosophy , theology ,spirituality ...see his "The God delusion " book, for example, and like all materialists he assumes that psychology is just applied biology, biology just applied chemistry and chemistry is just applied physics ... ) , i see, such as "The Selfish Gene" where he claims that there is no good and no evil as such ,no God,no justice ... that altruism ( he tried via many examples of apparent altruism in animals and in humans to show that apparent altruistic behavior was just selfishness in disguise.) has never existed neither in nature in general nor in the history of man and that we should develop it in the next generations ...blablabla...

How then ? if we are just determined machines or robots that are driven by the 'almighty " genes through the mysterious natural selection of evolution that does 'work in mysterious ways "... ,as Dawkins assumes man and the rest of all living organisms to be= just determined machines or robots...

But then again, Dawkins , Dennett and other similar dogmatic bigots would try to "prove " to you that free will is compatible with determinism . lol , while they are mutually exclusive , via some materialist ,magical intellectual gymnastics .

Dawkins talked also about a school bus full of christian kids that crashed killing them all in the process...That was "reason " enough for him to claim that there can be no God that can allow such tragedies to happen : childish reasoning...

Not to mention his "River out of Eden " where he talked about the example of a certain insect maybe, the name of which i don't recall right now , that gets eaten alive by a certain predator (That story was 1 of the reasons why Darwin became an atheist by the way ) ....and then he says , How can any God allow such thing to happen ...

Furthermore , as Dennett used to say, and rightly so : " There is no such thing as philosophy -free science ..." .
Philosophy such as naturalism and its materialist version + epistemology have been underlying science, so science does need philosophy now more than ever before .
See the work of the greatest philosopher of science Karl Popper to find out about whether or not philosophy is a waste of time then.

To claim that philosophy is a waste of time is an inaccurate thing to say thus (Stephen Hawking said, for example, that philosophy is dead ) , but Dawkins does use philosophy and logic all the time, in his books, in his debates , lectures , and other documentaries ...even though he's not really qualified to talk about either philosophy , spirituality or theology ...

Better still : all materialists such as Dawkins cannot but assume that everything , including theology , psychology , spirituality , philosophy, politics , economy , society, cultures, art ...can be "explained " just by biology that's just applied chemistry .The latter that's just applied physics= everything can be explained by just physics ,that's why savant-idiots such as Stephen Hawking try to come up with a physical "theory of everything" , for example, while any potential unified "theory of everything" cannot be just physical= goes beyond physics, since consciousness is irreducible to matter...

See Robert Lanza's "Biocentrism " book on the subject :


How can he make such a silly claim then ? Irrelevant thus.

You're totally wrong about that.
God is the only logical answer regarding the origin of the universe and God is , by definition, good , all-knowing, all-powerful, merciful, just , loving, .........

Divine Love was behind the creation of this universe , i must add too.

I was just talking about the ordinary pain and suffering that are part of life , not about evil as such .
The issue of evil is indeed a hard problem and we have already talked about that , earlier on.


It is a mystery , yes, but to exploit , or to misuse it to claim it as an argument , so to speak, against God .
's ultimate and supreme goodness is no less than an argument from ignorance, to say the least.

Theism is a bit like science ,a different kind of science , you have to experience it : it is a dynamic , endless and restless journey that does also require as much knowledge as possible, experience, work....

You probably do see what i do not , and vice versa then.
I see no conflict or rather contradiction between the intrinsic goodness , love, power ...of God and between the momentary existence of evil on this planet.

You see it differently , it's your own opinion.

(You have to try to read William James' "The variety of religious experiences" , for example .)

Agnosticism is a kind of nihillism , deep down .It makes no sense .You can't wait your whole life to get the necessary data you're looking for .Otherwise , one would not do a thing or move from A to B without certainty that does not exist in this world anyway.
Agnosticism is intellectual , psychological and spiritual laziness , indecision , to say the least.

But then again, each one of us has to go through his /her own journey in life .Good luck to you regarding yours.

One should believe in and worship God unconditionally through unconditional love , not for some ultilitarianist or pragmatic reasons.

Or as a famous woman mystic used to say in her poetry :

Oh, God , if i do happen to worship you out of fear of your hellfire,
Then burn me with it,
And if i do happen to worship you out of greed regarding your heaven,
Then don't allow me in it ...

Heaven and hell are also within by the way, and we shouldn't take the notions of hell and heaven literally, i guess, i don't know.
"The kingdom of heaven " is also within.

I agree with you on the philosophy point. People like Dawkins, Tyson, Hawking, Krauss and others don't know what the hell they're talking about. Philosophy and metaphysics are unavoidable, and they are doing philosophy whether they know it or not.

Yes of course I've read Dawkins. Mind you, I have to admit I just looked through the God Delusion again on my Kindle, and he does actually talk about evil quite a lot, so it looks like I was wrong about that.

I'm really puzzled by your statement that God (meaning an all-powerful, all-loving being) is the only logical answer to the origin of the universe. Why? Why couldn't it have been created by some other kind of being?

You think it's wrong for me to 'exploit' the existence of evil and try to turn it into an argument showing that there is no all-loving, all-powerful being in charge of the universe. I don't really get where you're coming from here. I just use my reason, experience and emotions, and it looks to me like there is no such being. What's wrong with that?

On the agnosticism point, I was talking about agnosticism about the NATURE of God, not about the EXISTENCE of God. Let's just assume for the sake of argument that there is some kind of creator and sustainer of the universe. I'm saying we should be agnostic about his/her/its goodness and power.
I've just finished reading the Plantinga book, by the way, and he thinks the main difference between theists and naturalists is not over whether evolution is true, but over whether it's guided or unguided. He claims that the 'unguided' part of evolutionary theory is a 'metaphysical add-on' and has nothing to do with the science itself, and that science will never be able to show whether evolution is guided or not. Here's Plantinga on evolution:

The scientific theory of evolution just as such is entirely compatible with the thought that God has guided and orchestrated the course of evolution, planned and directed it, in such a way as to achieve the ends he intends. Perhaps he causes the right mutations to arise at the right time; perhaps he preserves certain populations from extinction; perhaps he is active in many other ways.

The question is, is it likely that an all-loving, all-powerful being would do this? I think the answer is no. So again it really all comes back to the problem of evil, pain and suffering. Evolution is a bit of a red herring. I agree with Plantinga on that point.