Did I miss something? Rebecca's follow up is not on the transcript.
I like LaChance...in fact I believe he came to a Teilhard class I took years ago. Was my first exposure to the idea that information is more than the matter which represents it. Will definitely need to read this book - thanks to Alex for getting the interview!
That said, I felt akin to Alex - this idea of harmonious integration of science and spirituality is a bit difficult when huge chunks of science are under the religious fundamentalism of materialist evangelicals.
Beyond that, it wasn't clear how one can integrate the varied religions though I accept it's a big issue likely covered in the book. And as Travis mentions in the comment section, the evidence was lacking. More stuff about inner-"science", which still seems like a bit of an oxymoron to me.
He also didn't seem to reflect at all on the potentially Gnostic implications of the paranormal evidence. Not to say reality is a definitely a prison/maze for souls*, as I don't see a good reason to definitvely conclude that we have souls or that there is a God - but I think one has to at least address Gnosticism when talking about God, spirits, etc as it's as good an explanation for the anomalous evidence.
And, of course, how to interpret this anomalous evidence is a whole other bag of questions. Can mind-not-brain be deceived? Can a mind divorced from a brain dream? If reality is in truth incredibly malleable, can you make a shadow reality of your own devising (see Chronicles of Amber)?
*"There are no mortal sins. Just souls, lost in a maze Someone Else has made."
-M. Carey, Lucifer