Conspiracy Theories

Yes. Please remind us when the next apocalypse is. Thanks.

And by the way: it's already here. Idiot.

Somewhat interesting article:

"At its most extreme, conspiracy accounts for—and even celebrates—facts that outright contradict one’s premise. Presented with overwhelming evidence that Trump is acting rashly, conspiracists simply treat his erratic behavior as further proof that he’s working the long con, that the seeming chaos is a canny form of misdirection, that the administration is engaged in some form of three- or four- or eleven-dimensional chess."

"Conspiracy works differently from confirmation bias because, at its root, it’s addressing a different psychological need: to assert authority or control over an increasingly out-of-control situation."

"It may yet be the case that conspiratorial thinking will have a place in our arsenal of resistance. Viewing coincidences skeptically and connecting seemingly random dots is precisely what exposed the conspiracies of Watergate and the Iran-Contra scandal."

"When paranoid thinking opens up possibilities, it can serve a useful function. The danger comes when conspiracists remain wedded to their theories in the face of conflicting information, when they refuse to do the hard work of confirming and substantiating their own assumptions and beliefs."
Somewhat interesting article:

"At its most extreme, conspiracy accounts for—and even celebrates—facts that outright contradict one’s premise. Presented with overwhelming evidence that Trump is acting rashly, conspiracists simply treat his erratic behavior as further proof that he’s working the long con, that the seeming chaos is a canny form of misdirection, that the administration is engaged in some form of three- or four- or eleven-dimensional chess."

"Conspiracy works differently from confirmation bias because, at its root, it’s addressing a different psychological need: to assert authority or control over an increasingly out-of-control situation."

"It may yet be the case that conspiratorial thinking will have a place in our arsenal of resistance. Viewing coincidences skeptically and connecting seemingly random dots is precisely what exposed the conspiracies of Watergate and the Iran-Contra scandal."

"When paranoid thinking opens up possibilities, it can serve a useful function. The danger comes when conspiracists remain wedded to their theories in the face of conflicting information, when they refuse to do the hard work of confirming and substantiating their own assumptions and beliefs."
and of course, some conspiracies are real!
Including some which are not (yet) officially accepted: ones like co-working between CIA and South American drug cartels.

I thought the CIA drug dealer connection was mainstream following Iran Contra? Contras raised funds through drugs and the CIA supported the Contras.
a special senate subcommittee, chaired by then-senator John Kerry, investigated the AP’s findings and, in 1989, released a 1,166-page report on covert U.S. operations throughout Latin America and the Caribbean (summary here). It found “considerable evidence” that the Contras were linked to running drugs and guns — and that the U.S. government knew about it.
As well as Vietnam, with Air America. And the main stream media covered the resurgence of opium farming in Afghanistan. After the army gained some semblance of control. Then there was the fairly recent film about the reporter for the San Jose Mercury. Whose life was destroyed by his attempts to shed light on the C.I.A's involvement with the crack. Cocaine. Epidemic in the 1980's
I'm probably over looking something.
As well as Vietnam, with Air America. And the main stream media covered the resurgence of opium farming in Afghanistan. After the army gained some semblance of control. Then there was the fairly recent film about the reporter for the San Jose Mercury. Whose life was destroyed by his attempts to shed light on the C.I.A's involvement with the crack. Cocaine. Epidemic in the 1980's
I'm probably over looking something.

That is all well and good, but... and you ARE?
I thought the CIA drug dealer connection was mainstream following Iran Contra? Contras raised funds through drugs and the CIA supported the Contras.

See also
That core truth is: The war on drugs has always been a pointless sham. For decades the federal government has engaged in a shifting series of alliances of convenience with some of the world’s largest drug cartels.
Fishy indeed:

In my opinion, this is one of the best short videos on 9/11 because it really encapsulates the collective absurdity of the "official narrative." So many people get (intentionally) misdirected and sidetracked on arguing about how the Towers fell (controlled demolition, mini-nukes, secret technology, etc), and fail to consider all of the other lies and incongruities of that day that clearly show the official story to be a ridiculous fairy tale. It boggles the mind that people don't find it suspect that there were NORAD-FAA war drill/games going on that very day mimicking hijacked terrorist airplane attacks on tall buildings/landmarks (?!), since this is supposedly why it took so long for a military response (jet scramble) to the real "plane" flying right towards the Pentagon after two Towers had already been struck. This alone tells me that there is more to the story than what we’ve been told. Yet, if you listen to GWB or Condoleeza Rice, they don’t mention the drill and lie through their teeth claiming: "no one had any idea that terrorists would try to fly planes into buildings...." You mean, except for the entire U.S. military on the very same day?

There's just so much cognitive dissonance going on: my (now ex) husband is a commercial airline pilot -- he flies 767's. He (and every other well-trained pilot) knows you can't simply learn to fly Cessnas or other small planes and then suddenly jump into a 767 and fly one -- let alone fly them as skillfully as allegedly done that day by these poorly skilled Cessna trained pilot "terrorists." The Corbett video goes through the rest of the official narrative absurdities nicely – and I urge anyone who is still on the fence or truly open-minded to watch it and pay attention. And then do the hard research. Get away from the Towers’ collapse for now – look at the other details. Your BS meter should be off the charts.

Unfortunately, I have found that there are people -- otherwise smart, educated, and allegedly open-minded people -- who simply cannot and will not look at the evidence when it comes to this (or other suspect) event(s). I know I'm not the only one who has had the experience of trying to talk about 9/11 to a close friend or family member – and witnessed them reacting in ways you never would have imagined. Crazy anger. Fear masquerading as ridicule. Refusal to even watch a video or read a book. It's. Completely. Weird.

But in a way, I almost wish I could go back to the Blue Pill days. When I stumbled upon 9/11 Truth (12 years afterwards), I was in complete denial. It took me six months of obsessive researching, where I read every book (David Ray Griffin, Webster Tarpley, Jim Marrs), and listened to almost every documentary (though I still haven't tackled the 5 hour documentary by Italian filmmaker Massimo Mazzucco: ) before I could finally accept what I didn’t want to accept. And the truth for me is that the official narrative is complete and offensive bunk.

Unfortunately, however, once you get to that realization, you can't help going down other rabbit holes. For me, I think it was my own (very naïve) attempt to try to understand WHY people who pretended to be our leaders (Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Joint Chiefs, etc…) would commit such evil against their own populace – and then spend year after year posing themselves as heroes, hauling out this lie every September 11th, intentionally traumatizing/mocking us anew with each replayed crash into the WTC that they themselves had orchestrated. I mean, how could they LIVE with themselves? Were they even human? Now I have to look back at my naïve self and laugh. This shit’s been happening forever. The maintenance of oligarchical wealth, power, authority, Western hegemony is the role and concern of the Western oligarchy. False flags/orchestrated terrorism happens all the time to serve this agenda. The difference with 911 was only in scale. Webster Tarpley's book Synthetic Terror is a good one to start with IMO if you want a basic false flag history of the modern world. I'm sure there are others.

But that’s not why I’m here now on Skeptiko as a brand new member. The rabbit hole continues for me. Specifically, there are some who claim that there were many levels to the deception of 9/11 – including a dark occult aspect. I’ve now read S.K. Bains book, The Most Dangerous Book in the World, and that, in conjunction with the entire Pizzagate/Pedogate scandal (which I currently find extremely plausible, given Franklin, Dutroux, the Catholic Church pedo scandals, Sandusky, Cosby, Hastert, The Keepers, etc…) has led me into unchartered metaphysical territory. The dark here just seems so dark – beyond human greed and the desire to increase/maintain wealth and power. Perhaps all it is is the concept that absolute power corrupts absolutely – and the evil being committed is just human evil. But the Gnostic worldview seems to make a lot of sense to me now, so I’m here to learn more. Is it crazy to think that some of the horrors going on in the world is a result of dark metaphysical influence/control?
Magick is not good nor evil. Think of the X-men they are harnessing their powers, but not all use it for "good" you can use it for bad also
Magick is not good nor evil. Think of the X-men they are harnessing their powers, but not all use it for "good" you can use it for bad also

Thank you Baccarat. I'm not sure if you were responding to me or just making a comment in general. Is your thought that "Magick" is derived from an amoral energetic force (the metaphysical/source/etc) that does not distinguish between "good" and "evil" so that it can be harnessed/channeled by the user for both good and bad aims indiscriminately?
Thank you Baccarat. I'm not sure if you were responding to me or just making a comment in general. Is your thought that "Magick" is derived from an amoral energetic force (the metaphysical/source/etc) that does not distinguish between "good" and "evil" so that it can be harnessed/channeled by the user for both good and bad aims indiscriminately?
Yes, it might be in part why good or bad things happen to people randomly or in patterns. In my opinion we all practice magick, most don't know it though