That was an extraordinary interview! Doug seems to straddle the gap between science/technology on the one hand, and the lesson we are learning from NDE's and other altered states of consciousness, better than almost any of your guests.
I must listen to this interview again, because I am still not sure how he manages to associate hyper-dimensional spaces with qualia, if you like. There still seems to be a conceptual gap somewhere.
For a while we seemed to attract many of the interviewees into the forum discussion. I really hope Doug comes and spends a little time with us.
I have always though of quantum computing (QC) as being closely related to the Many Worlds interpretation of QM. In that interpretation, no 'dice' get thrown and wave functions do not collapse, instead, at each and every quantum transition reality bifurcates so that both possible states still exist, but are completely independent of each other.
However, clearly in a QC the various realities do still interact enough to be be useful. However, my point is that the Many Worlds interpretation of QM seems to me to be a mathematical abstraction. I mean, every wave function collapse in the entire universe splits reality in this way - but maybe my understanding needs a bit of fine tuning!
Leaving aside the dangers of such technology, I can't help wondering if QC will really work on a useful scale. Modern technology is hyped beyond reason. We only need to think of those driverless cars that were supposed to be with us by now - and by driverless, I mean a car that can drive in any conditions that a normal human can manage. QC's may be get talked about a lot, but then get forgotten about.
@Charley Primero
If you reach the point where you attack anyone who has contributed to computing in general, you alienate a lot of people here.