Excellenté. Partway through. Love how y'all are focusing on the CORE issue. How people treat one another. Intentions and INTEGRITY.
I don't think I've ever had my head buried in the sand, but it has been in the clouds most of my life. I'm realizing lately that's a good thing.
Great interview. More along those lines regarding individuals' behavior, please! I'll check him out further.
Evil? No. That dualism is a psy-op to play people. Soulless? YES.
Another way of looking at the three types of people in the world was mentioned by Clif High in an interview with Al Borealis I listened to again recently.
Spirit, soul, body. In varying degrees.
Spirit are those focused the highest, and least caught up in worldly or materialistic affairs. Probably on their last incarnation.
Soul are those still within the doings of the world to learn and experience, and working towards higher expression.
Body are those who are just out for themselves. Consuming. Oblivious of others and effects. Without souls. NPCs, if you like.
Called in other disciplines husks, human larvae, hungry ghosts.
When the shit goes down, or just in normal death, they don't reincarnate. Just DEAD.
I've also heard it said you have to build your soul. Make your own wings to fly.
If you have the potential, that is.
GREAT one! Maybe my favorite.
His website is overwhelming with information.
Peter R. Breggin M.D. | Psychiatric Drug Facts