Consciousness is a disco ball! :)
Materialists are on the bottom of the disco ball looking at the floor. Idealists are on top of the disco ball looking at the sky. They are at two poles not recognizing that a pole cannot be fundamental because it implies its opposite and that if they go far enough in any direction they end up on the other pole.
She came back from her NDE with the idea that reality is in some sense a game and that it is in some way nested. The game analogy is important because it helps us understand that our relationship with reality is one of rules and goals and attempts to improve at goals. The problem with the word "game" is that it implies it isn't serious. Pain and loss make things serious no matter what game you're playing. But the right proportion of pain and loss also make the game worth playing because without risk the reward doesn't mean much. I think it was the inventor of Atari that said something like: the ideal game must be easy to learn and difficult to master... that seems to represent life in this reality pretty well to me: easy to learn but difficult to master.
Comedians are tricksters and I'm glad she seems up on what the trickster archetype is... wondering if she's read Hansen's book?
Comedians cross boundaries and are generally destructive of structure. In a healthy society they are the lymphocytes that attack corrupt structures and egos that should be attacked and destroyed. When the structures of society are generally viewed as beneficial by the populace, then comedians are often marginalized because they cross the boundaries on taboos. When the structures of society are viewed as oppressive and restrictive then comedians are brought in from the margins and elevated to speak truth to power.
She says the aliens told her that boundaries will be dissolved and a new thing will rise up that is more fluid... for a while. Right/wrong, Male/female, light dark, etc... These "boxes" or parameters are made up and will be dissolved.
While I agree that all boundaries that form all structures are in some sense "made up" (all boundaries/structures are the byproduct of a conscious entity's choice made in attempt to achieve a goal) - this sounds like the aliens want to wreck the game and it sounds like what TPTB are doing to society generally which is not entirely organic but obviously forced and contrived with armies of NPC social influencers that are degenerating society and people. Whether this dissolution of all structures and rules of the game is a good thing or a bad thing depends on your perspective of the game and your ideals for humanity.
So in some sense the aliens are advocating the psychedelic kundalini death of ego hippy dippy awakening experience for society/civilization at large which is a kind of death/destruction so that something new can be built. And what will the future generation build if they are a blank slate themselves with no internal structures or discipline? Sounds kind of awful... a clown world nuclear holocaust hangover.
I personally think these aliens are full of shit and the game isn't ending and anyone who buys into this is falling for a trap that will weaken and domesticate and victimize either themselves or their offspring and future generations. Just like anyone who has the awakening experience can be benefited in the sense that its a big stress relief to dissolve all mental structures and goal feedback systems, but if you get stuck in it then you can end up wasting your life siting in a cave meditating somewhere. Did the soul that spawned you really want you to spend your life that way, sitting there being "happy" and doing nothing? At the end of your life do you want to be "happy" because you gave up desire/ambition and therefore accomplished nothing, or do you want to be satisfied that you struggled against all kinds of resistive forces, played the hand you were dealt the best you could, and overcame to accomplish something noble and admirable: raised a healthy well-equipped and well-adjusted child, built something that will last, contributed a work of art, etc? Do you identify with the hero or villain archetype?
After millions and billions of years of this game you really think it is going to end now? Come on. The aliens are tricksters themselves and are lying. Don't fall for it. We are obviously in the midst of a transition period. Some things will end and some things will begin again. Cycles will repeat in slightly different ways. But I don't think we're going through a phase transition never to return again to the environments or modes of consciousness that have been developing in humanity over millennia.
At every level of reality there is a resistive force against progress. There is a voice that says, there really is no progress... it is all illusion. Because at some level this is true. But at this level it is also not true. It is the same voice that tells Alex, you don't have to get in the ice bath today. He really doesn't have to. Just like we don't really have to do anything. And somewhere there is someone who would like it if you did nothing because that makes things easier for them to do something. We like our cows and goats to do nothing but eat grass and get fat.
At every level of reality, there is a secret agent that is gaining your trust and lying to you and giving you half-truths. At every level of reality there is a trap, a dead end in the labyrinth, a minotaur monster ready to devour you. The game is real. Will you make it out? Most won't. I think I will, but I might not and if I don't, then I still believe some part of me that survives eventually will... and I think it is this will strive for something greater even though you probably won't make it... like dying on a beach in Normandy... this WILL to press on is what guarantees that we will make it in some way in some lifetime. And this is the game.
There are beings that want to help you and beings that want to hold you back. The beings that want to hold you back are also helping you because without the challenge of an enemy you cannot advance in the game. Your enemies make you better.
My ideal for humanity would be a synthesis between the ultimate pagan predators like the Vikings or Nietzsche's Übermensch, the humility, empathy, and patience of Christianity, the internal exploration of the Eastern traditions, and Jungian psychology, and the balance with nature found in native tribes that are now mostly extinct. In some sense, the ultimate ideal for humanity would be to integrate all the experiences myths ideologies of humanity thus far and to become a well disciplined monster fully capable of anything yet self-directed towards higher noble goals of raising a family and producing a great work of creativity... and yes this work of creativity can have an expression in creation of games, virtual reality worlds, and AI agents... in attempting to build words and build intelligence/consciousness we will learn more about our own world and our own consciousness. Reality is nested and we by repeating the creation process we learn about it.
Re: Mormonism... a positive thing? I kind of get that if you dedicate yourself to any practice that involves moral/ethical development as well as discipline and myths that help you find a meaning extending beyond a single lifespan that this gets you through some early life angsty shit and it elevates you... but it can only take you so far. Religions are like elevators that only go to the 10th floor of a 30 floor building. You have to take the stairs the rest of the way up and there are all kinds of distractions on each floor that most people get stuck upon never bothering to climb the rest of the way... the impetus to climb the rest of the way usually only comes through some painful experiences. People who got off their limited elevators and took the stairs (often called mystics) have more in common no matter what religious elevator they started out on.
I think the enlightenment experience or the Kundalini or the "born again" or the NDE or the psychedelic experience could almost be modeled mathematically... it is a tightening of the feedback loops of consciousness until the input and output are so closely juxtaposed that there is a resonance at which point ego (which is a feedback loop) explodes (
see example of destructive resonance) and the structures of knowledge that developed from childhood to that moment are temporarily dissolved such that the person once again becomes like a child a bit of a blank slate... words disappear, "Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience" takes over. Over time some of the old structures of thought re-emerge but they are now subordinate to a new higher order feedback loop of the truly self-aware individual. I don't think this should only happen once in a person's life. A regular dip in the ice bath of the Abyss of the subconscious to evaluate the 90% of the submerged iceberg of the self is probably a good thing.