The trouble is, you don't really acknowledge all the relevant evidence on the other side of this question.
Actually I do acknowledge all the relevant evidence on the other side of this question — at least that I'm aware of ( and I've waded through a lot of it ). We just haven't had the time to discuss it.
1) As I have already pointed out, there is a mass of evidence relating to NDE's, including NDE's that contain information that the person themselves did not know prior to the NDE.
Waded through tons of that and other stuff as well — same conclusion
2) There is the remarkable evidence of Prof Ian Stevenson, which shows that (at least sometimes) people die and re-incarnate in another body! There is also at least some evidence that people can remember previous lives while under hypnosis. This was my reason for using the expression, "Tuning in".
What you describe as reincarnation is at best only some sort of information acquisition by another person. It is not a continuity of personhood.
3) Every bit of more mundane psychic evidence, such as the Ganzfeld ESP experiments, shows evidence that consciousness doesn't seem to play by the rules of physicalism.
That would depend on what flavor of physicalism you subscribe to. As I mentioned before, I see all phenomena of nature as physical, and that by extension includes consciousness. But even if we don't go that far, logically, anything non-physical in a model that separates the physical from the non-physical would by definition not be able to interact with the physical, and therefore would be undetectable. However because consciousness is detectable by our physical systems, it must be a physical phenomenon — just one that we don't have an explanation for ( like a lot of other things ).
4) You should also look at the work of Julie Beischel (she has at least one podcast here). She developed a statistical method to test mediums under multiple blind conditions, and she has a list of mediums that pass her tests. This is hard evidence that some mediums at least genuinely contact the dead.
Regardless of whatever evidence Julie as accrued, it still only amounts to some unexplained acquisition of information by a living person. Assigning afterlives as the explanation, is a huge leap in logic.
You seem to be hedging your bets a bit - suggesting that we are part physical, part something else. Then you comment that "True immortality requires that none of what defines us as persons is destroyed – ever" don't think anyone is denying that we shed something as we die!
Not exactly. I suggest that everything, including consciousness, is part of the physical within a philosophical version of physicalism that equates the physical with all phenomena of nature, along with all the rest e.g. gravitation, EM and nuclear forces. Within that model, different kinds of phenomena manifest themselves in different ways depending on how things are arranged.
So it's not simply the case that there are mental phenomena, and non-mental phenomena. There are all sorts of phenomena. Arbitrarily dividing it up so as to create a dualistic distinction is just playing with labels and semantics.
I don't see any reason to use your definition of "True immortality".
Like I said, if people don't take into account all the material phenomena associated with our existence as well as the non-material, then they're wilfully ignoring very important facets of what constitutes our personhood, and are therefore self-deluding themselves about continuity of personhood following the death of our body — if that's not a good reason, then I'm not sure what is.