PS: some interesting points here and there too though
Not really... I mean, you can find " interesting points" in Holocaust denial, Flat Earth science, " the great reset" and a bunch of other stuff. discernment... don't suffer fools gladly... hunger for the truth... only way to go.
Since you've dabbled in the " no virus no rabies" intellectual cesspool I would be super interested in your breakdown of Russ's video linked above. I'd like to hear how your processing it relative to the " interesting points" you mentioned.
I'm interested in the " why people believe weird things " angle. there are some genuinely smart people... much smarter than average people... on this forum who have succumbed to this foolishness.
If we think about this from a "culture shaper" perspective two things jump out.
1. people are relatively easy to manipulate with "scientific" data/ reasoning. this is especially true of otherwise smart people who are accomplished in non-scientific/non-technical endeavors... or worse yet accomplished in the soft Sciences. it's hard to be a elite history buff or an expert in psychology and take an intellectual beating because you don't understand the gain of function research.
2. people need to be led. I don't buy into this but I can understand how "culture shapers" could get into a headspace that uses point one as a justification for manipulation. "if I don't leave these fools by the nose someone's going to come along and scientifically Jonestown them."