I'm glad you see the perfection in it... ;0)
Thanks for your excellent response!
It's boundaries all the way down.
Lateral patterns are uncontroversial (we see a million trees, a trillion cells, etc); vertical patterns (Russian nesting dolls - As Above, So Below) require a bit more imagination to perceive, but they are there. Whether it's turtles all the way down, patterns all the way down, simulations all the way down, consciousness all the way down, etc... we can see that reality has this nested pattern structure or as some have said, a fractal holographic structure and I believe it is. The human being contains a representation of the whole. Is reality an infinite regress (x,y,z all the way down)? Or is there some "rock" bottom foundation? My contention is that the "rock" bottom is Oneness which we can't talk about, so the first level up that we can talk about is the Holy Trinity: Similarity, Difference, Boundary. This is the "game of life" initialization pattern and so if we understand this we understand everything.
It sounds like you have a heightened sense of the framework of reality as it relates to cause and effect.
There is a prime cause which is free-choice and that originates out of the Abyss of Oneness to become the boundary. When there is no goal, the choice is arbitrary and an arbitrary expression of the Prime Cause we call randomness. When the choice is made to attain a goal, it is an expression of the Prime Cause.
You've described the framework. The computer program in which all experience follows patterns.
In such, you've identified what I believe to be a restriction (I'll call "the veil") which prohibits us from seeing past this program. Any attempt to see past it can be explained away by patterns, cause, and effect.
The veil is the boundary which is choice. You can't see past your own choices because they are an expression of the Prime Cause and if they were computable (secondary causes) then they would have already been computed and there would be no need for you to make them. We exist on the edge (or boundary) of computable and non-computable space. In the Trinity, Similarity extrapolates out to identity - who you are, and Difference extrapolates out to what you are not and that which separates is the boundary which is the Veil as you call it which is the choice you cannot see past.
I believe the higher self(ve's), God, and Heaven all exist outside of that program entirely and outside of what we call consciousness.
You used the words "outside of" indicating you've drawn a boundary between the realm we live in and the realm of God, Higher Self, Heaven. Is there any interaction between the two realms? If none, then we might as well consider the other to not exist at all, but if there is interaction across this boundary then that interaction between the two makes a system which we might consider One. Is this boundary you posit permeable, fuzzy, movable?
And if God, Higher Self, Heaven, etc, are totally "outside of" the system of patterns I have described, please answer these questions: in this other realm is anything similar to anything else? Is anything different than anything else? Does anything happen? Are there free agents with free choice?
So i guess it is a simple critique. I think you're portrayal tries to tie infinity to the finite. and I don't believe that tie exists in a way that it can be simplified; attempts at which, I believe to be the cause of the boundaries all the way down conundrum.
But that is precisely what we are and what consciousness is: the place where the infinite and finite meet... the boundary, if you will, between them.
I hope this makes any sense whatsoever. If not, at least I tried and had fun. Great post by the way.
Yes, thank you. :)